Midnight On the Water

"Midnight on the Water" recorded on Jane & Gordon Scott's OLD-TIME DUETS CD was the first waltz that Jane learned from fiddler Charlie Engstrom of Tallahassee. She swings the 8th notes slightly which can't be notated but listen for it on the recording. Jane picked up this way of playing waltzes from listening to the playing of local fiddler Lindsey Smith formerly of North Carolina. It was written by Texas fiddler Luke Thomasson and continues to be a favorite tune for waltzes at the Tallahassee contra dances.

T: Midnight on the Water C:by Luke Thomasson M:6/8 K:D P:A Part DE|.F2.F2FF|EF FD FG|A3F AB|AF ED DE|Fd3(3BdB|AF3DE|! F2AF (3EFE|D4DE|.F2.F2FF|EF FD FG|A3F AB|! AF ED DE|Fd3(3BdB|AF3DE|F2AF (3EFE|D4 (3ABc||! P:B Part d4dd|dc BA Bc|d3(3B/2d/2B/2 AF|E2D2 (3ABd|e4ef|! e2d2e2|f3g fe|d4dc|B3G Bc|d2(3cdcB2|A3F AB|! AF ED DE|Fd3(3BdB|AF3DE|F2AF (3EFE|D4||! S:Another setting in Fiddlers Fakebook page 187