Welcome to GordonsStringMusic.com
We regret to announce that Gordon's String Music is no longer located at 1903 North Monroe Street in Tallahassee, Florida 32303. The music store closed as of the 31st of August 2023. Gordon and Jane Scott will not continue to offer lessons. The music store will no longer sell string instruments, string accessories, and do repairs. At some point in the future Gordon Scott will again do repairs but not at this time.
You can Email the Scotts. Gordon and Jane will continue to play for contra dances in Tallahassee with their old-time band the Greasy String Band. They also play at old-time and Irish sessions at the Blue Tavern at 1206 No. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32303. Website: bluetaverntallahassee.com. The old-time jams are held 4:00- 7:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month at the Blue Tavern. The Irish session is the 3rd Saturday of the month from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. There's also an Irish session held the 4th Sunday of each month from 4:00-6:00 pm in Havanna, Fl at the pub/restaurant Off the Rails led by Kirill Litvak.
The store was open for thirty-five years. It was a family owned and operated music business started by musician, educator, and luthier Gordon Scott and his wife Jane. Gordon’s is referred to as the “home of traditional music” in Tallahassee.